Just About My Self

Foto saya
Makassar, South Sulawesi, Indonesia
I'm 6th grade on SDN. Komp. IKIP 1 Makassar. I'm waiting for my graduation and I'll continue to Junior High School. My God is Allah SWT. My prophet is Muhammad SAW. And, my fav international singer is Justin Bieber. My fav national singers are Putri Ayu and Geisha Band.

Sekarang tanggal berapa? Jam berapa?

Senin, 30 Mei 2011

Goodbye and See you next time! :P

I'm LAZY! I'm TIRED! I feel BORED here! I feel bored on Blogspot. I cant do anything except write, follow, post something, or give a comment on ur post! Maybe, I wouldnt open my blogspot again. Idk when I would come back here. I just active at Facebook, Twitter, Multiply, Tumblr, and Formspring.me. So, would you add/follow me?
Facebook : Nasya Thahira
Twitter : @nasyathahira
Multiply : http://www.nasyathahira.co.cc/
Tumblr : http://nasyathahira.tumblr.com/
Formspring.me (Ask me and put ur name below if u dont have any account) : Nasya Thahira
THANKS & SEE U NEXT TIME. #muchlove <3 <3 <3

Farewell while Receive an ANNOYING Rank!

Yesterday (May 30th 2011) I went to FAREWELL! Yes, Farewell. Because, I will finish my Elementary School :'(. I will leave my lovely friends, my respectable teachers and headmistress. I went to "Wisata Pantai Galesong" by bus. Along the street, we always talking and laughing together.

On there, my friends swam on the swimming pool and on the beach. Some of my friends rode a Banana Boat. I dont enjoy both, because it's so hot there and I got stomachache. So, I dont join them. I just outbond and rode an ATV.

Finally, over all the activities, it's the time for announcement about rank. And, the result is :
Rank 1 : Rafiqah Zahra B. Amir
Rank 2 : Asra Tahir
Rank 3 : Idk (I dont know)
Rank 4 : Idk
Rank 5 : Idk
Rank 6 : Paramitha Ar Rasis
Rank 7 : Nadhila Sri Fahmi
Rank 8 : Nasya Thahira (ME! What an annoying result!)
Rank 9 : Bhakti Setiawan
Rank 10 : Azhar Risaldi Rum

On the previous semester, I got the 3rd rank, and now? Down sooo far! What the hell! And, on the previous, Paramitha Ar Rasis (Mitha ) got the 1st rank, and now she got the 6th. Rafiqah Zahra (Rafiqah) got the 6th rank on the previous semester, but now she has got the first. OMG! All turn around! DAMN!

Just that. I hope, yesterday it's not our latest meeting -_-. xoxo

Rabu, 25 Mei 2011

I'm Unique Girl and I'm not an Awkward Girl!

Everybody, yes you know I'm Nasya. I am a human. I'm really really same with you! Anyway, I'm different with my friends who has Blogspot. They fill their Blog with a lesson.
1. Rere : With a history and anything for fun
2. Izzul : With a general sciencs
3. Dina : I dont really know about her Blog, but theres a lesson too

Yes, so the fact is IM THE ONE WHO NOT FILL MY BLOG WITH A LESSON. I use this Blog isnt for study, but I use this for telling a story. Whatever, true story or just a fiction. You know, I really like to write. I've wrote around 20 short stories (around 80 pages on computer) and I've wrote around 5 novels. But, my hobby isnt channeled yet :( It's okay! I like to imagine something I never did. And, I like to sharing my unique activities. 

I can study at school, course, and home! But I really use Internet just for fun! I'm sorry if I make you dissapointed. Maybe, I just a stupid girl and a Awkward on my friends's eyes. I dont make it confused. There's a 24 hours on 1 day. 8 hours for study, 8 hours for worship, 8 hours for take a rest. But the fact is, we wouldnt spent 8 hours for study. I just spent 7 hours for study. And, a hour I spent to playing with my lil bro. Something you should know, I dont play Facebook, Twitter, Blogspot, etc. on Monday till Saturday morning. I just play internet on Saturday afternoon till Sunday afternoon. And the more time, I have many time at looong holiday.

Just that. I dont wanna you think that I'm an awkward girl! I am very very normal! Thanks.

Jumat, 20 Mei 2011

I believe this is Justin's real acc!

Okay, I keep it secret this acc! Ya, maybe this is Justin's real acc! Yes, he accepted me on 11 : 16 a.m. Hahaha, its doesnt matter hes real or not. Just love you, BIEBER!!!! I sent him a message, I dont know he will reply it or not. Just NEVER SAY NEVER! :D

Enough. BYE!

Rabu, 18 Mei 2011

Thanks a lot for make my dream comes true!

OMG! First, I wanna say THANK YOU A LOT for my God, Allah SWT and my fav singer ever after, Justin Drew Bieber! He makes my dream comes true! OMG!  And, may this is become his gift for my bday, my bday is exact 1 month left !
1. He accepted my friend requested on Facebook (its normal -_-)
2. He liked my post on his wall!
3. He accepted for being my brother on Facebook! Awww!
Okay, so today is the best day ever!
He accepted my friend requested (Thursday, May 19th 2011 at 9 : 15 a.m)
He liked my post on his wall (Thursday, May 19th 2011 at 9 : 18 a.m)
He accepted for being my brother on Facebook (Thursday, May 19th at 9 : 24 a.m)

His 2nd account :
1. He accepted me (Thursday, May 19th 10 : 02 a.m)
2. He liked my post on his wall (Thursday, May 19th at 12 : 22 a.m and 12 : 41 a.m)
3. He messaged me (Thursday, May 19th at 12 : 41 a.m)

This is not fake! This is true! I swear, this is true. OMG! Thanks God, Thanks Justin! ily 4ever

Senin, 16 Mei 2011

Yg baik wajib bantu :D

Oke, halo lagi. Sekarang yang baik dan punya Facebook, tlg bantu aku yaaa...
Pertama like dulu SISTER Magazine di Facebook, sesudah itu like kreasiku yg ini http://www.facebook.com/editprofile.php?sk=relationships&success=1#!/photo.php?fbid=1625721534012&set=o.61486797913&type=1&theater tlg yaa... Aku ikut lomba itu. Supaya aku menang, aku butuuuuh banget like mu, oke? Yg like ini, aku doain semuanya biar semua cita-citamu terkabul yaa... Makasih :D

Alhamdulillah, UAN selesai juga

Aaah.. Alhamdulillah. Tanggal 10-12 berlalu juga. Hari pertama bahasa Indonesia. Agak susah sih... Hari kedua Matematika. Gampang. Yang aku gak yakin 4 nomor aja. Terakhir, IPA, gampang2 susah. Ya.. aku bernazar, klo misalkan nilaiku diatas 80, aku bakalan puasa. Sebagai tanda syukurku, semua hasil kerja kerasku udah dibales sama Allah. Semoga aku bisa mengambil kembali ranking 1 ku dan masuk SMP dengan mudah. Amin..
Udah ya. singkat aja. Dadahhh!!

Sabtu, 14 Mei 2011

Ini Judulnya Seneng Campur Marah :/

Asyiik.. Ini ketiga kalinya aku chatting sama Chris alias Christian Beadles. Yg kemarin, tanggal 14 Mei 2011, paling seru. Jadi, ada 2 Chris ceritanya. Yang satu namanya @JustinBieber (singkat aja jd @JB ya) yg satu lagi namanya Justin_Bieber_Ive_Hacked..... panjang banget (Singkat aja jadi J_B). Mereka berdua bertengkar. Mereka saling ngaku klo mereka Chris. Kalo yg lain percayanya sama yg @JB, nah aku sendiri percayanya sama J_B itu. Jadi, aku minta followback di Twitter @Littlecbeadles (Twitternya Chris)

@JB bilang : Maaf, aku gak follow sembarang orang (Anggap aja bahasa Inggris)
J_B bilang : Okay, tp nanti. Aku gak buka twitter sekarang

Pokoknya gitu lah, aku sama dia Private Chat. Nah, makanya aku ngajakin J_B itu pc (private chat).
Kita ngomongin apa aja ya?? Macem-macem laah... Oh ya, Christian Beadles itu penyanyi juga loh. Judul lagunya Yes I Can.
Cara aku minta follow back nya sm J_B gini :
Aku : Hey, I'm believe that youre the real Chris. And, I dont believe on @JB, so please show me that youre the real Chris.
J_B : Wht must I do?
Aku : I just want, you @Littlecbeadles, follow me on Twitter.
J_B : I will. But not now
Aku : Its okay. I'm waiting forever. Dont make me confused
J_B : Yes, I will.

Waktu itu sih, aku belum tau itu Chris yg beneran atau bukan, tp aku percayanya sama yg itu sih... Nah, karena semua yg ada wktu itu percayanya sama yg @JB, aku sendiri yg percaya sm J_B, si J_B itu aku temenin PC. Dia juga bilang sama aku, klo si @JB nantangin dia ke http://www.tinychat.com/, biar muka aslinya kentara. Jadi aku bilang "Go there. Finish this problem".

Nah, pas terbukti J_B itu yg asli. Dia malah gak balas PCku.
Aku : "R u angry with me ?"
J_B : Not really
Aku : Not really? It means you angry with me
J_B : I'm angry with people who not believe in me
Aku : I believe on you. I'm just confused at the time

Sesudah itu dia gak balas lagi. Cuman dia sempet sebut namaku 3 kali. Awww!!

Nah.. sesudah itu aku tagih lagi fllow backnya
Aku : Why u didnt follow me back?
J_B : cba
Aku : Whats cba?
J_B : Cant be access
Aku : Okay.

Hehe, wktu main chat, dia kan sempet sebut namaku 2 kali. Yg pertama di bilang
nasya its ...:... pm
yg kedua : nasya im awesome

Haha, tapi sampai skg belum dia follow back juga. Payah...
Skg dia juga gak mau bales PC aku. Iih.. mentang-mentang semua orang udah percaya sama dia, temen lamanya yg ngebelain dia dilupain. Chris, chris. Ya udah lah..., gak apa-apa.
Sudah dulu yaa... Itulah ceritaku. Bye bye :)

Sabtu, 23 April 2011


Ya Allah, beberapa menit lagi, konsernya Justin Bieber di SICC (Sentul International Convention Centre) bakal dimulai. Ya Allah, aku pengen ketemu Justin Bieber! Walaupun 5 detiiik ajaaa! Yang penting aku bisa dapet tanda tangannya sama foto bareng dia (pasti semua itu gak mungkin dilakukan dalam waktu 5 detik yaa? LOL)
Huaaa... Seandainya aku tinggal di Jakarta, aku pasti udah JADI PEMBELI TIKET PERTAMANYA. Wkwkwkwk. Terserah lah, yang penting aku mau duduk paling depan.
Ya Allah..., tapi aku yakin kok, suatu hari nanti aku bisa ketemu sama Justin Bieber. Walaupun gak secepat yang aku mau. Tapi aku percaya banget!
Kan? Jadi, kita harus percaya. Dimana ada kemauan, disitu ada jalan.
I just can pray for you here. In my lil bedroom, in my home, in Indonesia. I wish you luck! I wish you luck for ur first concert. BE THE BEST!

Minggu, 17 April 2011

Hiks...Hiks... OFF untuk beberapa minggu

Huhuhhu... Karena UAS dan UAN sudah dekaaaaaaaaaaat sekaliii. Makanya, aku LEBIH BAIK OFF UNTUK BEBERAPA MINGGU INI. Ya, aku kembali kok kalo UAN sudah selesai. Dan aku aktif lagi menjadi FACEBOOKERS, TWITTER LOVERS, BLOGGER, dan MULTIPLYERS! Aku cuman mau belajar dengan baik-baik supaya aku bisa mengalahkan
1. Paramitha Ar-Rasis (Si ranking 1 yang kayaknya paling terpintar di kelas)
2. Andi Imam Utama (Pemegang ranking 2 di kelas)
3. Nadhila Sri Fahmi (Walaupun aku mengalahkan rankingnya, tapi dia itu PINTAR SEKALIAN ALAM!)

Yaaaa... paling tidak aku bisa jadi ranking 1..
SO, I just say Goodbye, and see you later after the National Examination finished!

Ketemu temen TK lagiii...!!! ;)

Yeeeeaaa!! Hari ini aku ketemu sama temen TK ku lagi loh! Namanya Mario. Tapi gak ketemu langsung, cuma lewat facebook. Awalnya, sih dengan nama facebook "Mario Soriton" dia ngirimin pesan sama aku.
Nasya, aku temen TK kamu, Mario, coba kamu cari di buku kenangan deh !
Aku kenal juga ma Imam, coba tanya aja ttg aku ke dia, pliss add aku ya
Begituuu... Terus aku bales deeeh...
aku masih inget kok... tapi kalo Imam, aku lupa... entar ya...
Eh, tapi beberapa hari kemudian ada yang add aku, namanya "Mario Part II" jadi kuliat foto-fotonya, ternyata Mario yang itu. Yup, aku tulis di wall nya deh...
rio yang temen TK ku ini kan???
beberapa hari kemudian, dia comment.
yaa, bener banget tuh !!
Fbku yg satu dihack Nasya
Ya, kurang lebih seperti itulah ceritanya. Tapi, kalo temen-temen TK yang lain, aku belum dapet FBnyaa... Padahal kangen banget sama semuanya. Gapapa, dapet satu juga udah lumayan.... :D :D :D

Nilai MID Semester 2 ku.

Hey, ketemu lagi di artikel selanjutnya. Aku sekarang mau nyatat nilai MID Semester 2 ku aja sih.. Mau liat? Boleh kok!

Bahasa Indonesia : 84
IPA : 88
Matematika : 92
Agama Islam : 87.5
Bahasa Arab : 92
Bahasa Mandarin : 90
Bahasa Inggris : 100
Penjaskes / Olahraga : 80
PKN : 92
IPS : 88

Menurut kalian, nilaiku gimana??? Ok, thanks. See you later on my next story!

Sabtu, 09 April 2011

Selamat Ulang Tahun, Mama! WE LOVE YOU! :*

Tanggal 16 April nanti, mamaku mau berulang tahun. Aku bingung mau kasih hadiah apa, jadi aku kasih kartu ulang tahun saja. Ini hasil kreasi aku dan adikku loh!

Maaf ya mama, kalo kita pernah menyakiti mama. Tapi, kita sebenarnya sayaaaang sekali sama mama. Terima kasih mama, sudah bersusah payah melahirkan kami! Tanpa mama, kita tidak akan pernah ada.

10 Tips Disayang Allah ({})

Kalian pasti mau kan, disayang Allah? Pasti dong... Aku punya 10 tips disayang sama Allah... Semoga bermanfaat ya...

1. Selalu nomor 1 kan Allah
2. Selalu tempatkan Allah dihatimu
3. Selalu berbuat baik kepada sesama
4. Beribadah tepat waktu, jangan menunda-nunda. Karena, Allah tidak pernah menunda memberikan segala nikmatnya kepada kita. Alhamdulillah...
5. Jauhi larangannya
6. Tidak pernah berperasangka buruk sama orang. Buang semua sifat iri, benci, dendam, dll.
7. Berbuat baik kepada alam
8. Rajin-rajinlah berdoa kepada Allah
9. Tidak durhaka sama orangtua. Sayangi orangtua kita :*
10. Tidak iseng sama saudara kandung kita sendiri